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   2 f A useful key which saves you referring to the manual too oftenis EDIT. A help page is displayed on the  screen  when  EDIT  ispressed. Press ENTER when the help page is showing to return  tothe text. Try EDIT now.
   2 Y One of the shift keys must be held down when a control key  ispressed. For example: TO means hold symbol shift down and  pressthe F key; EDIT means hold caps shift down and press the 1 key.
   2 V This Tasword Two Tutor is a text file that has  been  designedto help you use the Tasword control keys.
   2 R.Justify  on
   2 Insert off
   2 EDIT for Help
   2 C The first key we will learn to use is the OR key.  This  takesyou to the end of the text. Try OR now by holding  symbol  shiftdown and pressing the U key.
   2 + There is also an "Extended Mode" help page - to see  it  pressboth shift keys when the normal help page is showing.
   2 " (C) 1983 Tasman Software
   2  T A S W O R D    T W O    T U T O R
   2  < < <  T A S W O R D   T W O  > > >
   1 ~~````~~~~
   1 | When Tasword is  in  Extended  Mode  press  EDIT  to  see  theExtended Mode help page. See this for yourself now  by  enteringExtended Mode, looking at the Extended Mode help page, and  thenreturning to this text and getting back into normal  mode  againso that you can scroll on down.
   1 z You can enter Extended  Mode  to  "fast  scroll"  up  or  downthrough your text. The <G> key gives "fast scroll  up"  and  the<F> key gives "fast scroll down".
   1 z The Extended Mode <W> control key turns word-wrap off and  on.The W/W message at the bottom of the screen  shows  the  currentstatus. If word-wrap is off words that overflow  the  end  of  aline during typing are  not  automatically  transferred  to  thebeginning of the next line.
   1 w  Ready to clear the text file  Are you sure?Press  y  for yesn  for no
   1 too many characters - max is 10
   1 there must be a name
   1 text file verified
   1 tasword: basic O.K.;
   1 t This is a line which should not be here.
   1 t The GRAPHICS key is used to type the graphics symbols  printedon the number keys. Try typing some graphics  symbols  into  theblank line below by first moving the cursor onto  the  line  andthen pressing GRAPHICS.
   1 s The <A> and <D> keys set left and right  margins  respectivelyat the current cursor position. Text that is typed with  marginsset will normally be between  the  margins.  The  cursor  movingarrows can be used to position the cusor inside margins, both totype text and to set new margin positions.
   1 r AND will usually  destroy  the  justification  of  a  paragraph.Remember that you can use STEP  to  reform  the  paragraph.  Tryusing AND now  to  insert  some  letters  and  words  into  thisparagraph. When you have finished move the cursor to  the  firstline of the paragraph and use STEP to reform the paragraph.
   1 r (2) To insert a word between two existing words put  the  cursor    in the space between the relevant words and press AND;
   1 l The opposite to TO  is  THEN  which  scrolls  the  display  upthrough the text towards the beginning. Use THEN now  to  scrollup a few lines and then use TO again to scroll back  down  untilyou see the stop message at the bottom of the screen.
   1 l The key that clears the text file is  the  Extended  Mode  <X>key. Tasword will ask you to confirm when you  press  this  key.This is the end of Tasword Tutor so if  you  wish  you  can  tryclearing the text file now.
   1 k A message shows at the bottom of the screen to remind you thatgraphics is on. When graphics is on the symbol that is typed  isthe one in grey on the number key. To type the white symbol holdCaps Shift down and press the key. Press GRAPHICS again to  turnGRAPHICS off.
   1 j The easiest way to correct a mis-typed kharacter is to use thearrows to position the cursor over the character and  then  typethe correct character. Do  this  now  to  correct  the  spellingmistake in this paragraph.
   1 h The DELETE key is useful for removing unwanted characters  andfor correcting typing mistakes as they are made. It deletes  thecharacter under the cursor. XYZXYZ. Use it  now  to  delete  theunwanted letters in this paragraph.
   1 g The Extended Mode <I> key is used to turn Insert Mode  on  andoff - a message at the bottom of the screen  shows  the  currentstate. Insert Mode is very useful if you want to type some linesof text into the middle of some existing text. When insert  modeis on a new line is created for you to type on as  you  completeeach line and when you press ENTER.
   1 g Tasman hopes that you have found Tasword Tutor informative andenjoyable. GOOD TASWORDING!
   1 dPUPR`%`''TPERE@fR
   1 c You have to enter Extended Mode to type one of  the  followingspecial characters: ~ | \ { } [  ]  
   1 b You can move the cursor while Tasword is in Extended  Mode  byusing the arrow keys in the same way as when in normal mode.
   1 a$="tasword":
   1 a$="code3=":
   1 a$="code2=":
   1 a$="Printer linefeed=":
   1 a$="Printer carriage return=":
   1 a$="Left margin on printing=":
   1 a$="Interface control code1=":
   1 ` The >= key moves the text that is to the right of  the  cursorright one character position. The <= key moves  moves  the  textthat is to the left of the cursor left one position.
   1 _ If you have just used DELETE to remove the XYZXYZ in the aboveparagraph then you will have spoilt  the  justification  of  theparagraph. This will happen  quite  often  as  you  correct  andchange your text and it is nothing to worry about as it is  veryeasy to rejustify text:
   1 _ CAPS LOCK sets the capitals lock. Press it now  and  you  willsee a message at the bottom of the screen which reminds you thatthe capitals lock is set. Every letter you type will then  be  acapital letter. Press CAPS LOCK now.
   1 \ The <N> key is similiar to the <M> key except that  it  copiesthe block rather than just moving it. This text file  is  almostfull (320 lines maximum) so you won't be able to copy much text.But you are nearly at the end so why not read on and then  clearthe text file and then experiment with block move  and  copy  onsome text of your own?
   1 \ The <C> key opens and closes a 32 character wide window on thetext. Try it now and use the cursor moving arrows  to  move  thewindow. With the window open you see full size letters  but  notthe whole line.
   1 [ S T O P    P R E S S I N G    TO
   1 Y Once you have marked a block you can move  it  by  moving  thecursor to the line above which you want the block moved  to  andpressing the Extended Mode <M> key. Try moving this paragraph sothat it is before the paragraph above.
   1 X The NOT key deletes the line that the cursor is on. See if youcan use it to delete the above line that should not be there.
   1 U E X T E N D E D   M O D E
   1 Q TRUE VIDEO and INV. VIDEO move the cursor  left  and  right  aword at a time. Try these keys now to discover a  rapid  way  ofmoving the cursor along a line. Try auto repeat - just keep  thekey held down.
   1 Press  q  key to quit printing>
   1 Play the tape
   1 O You can move blocks of your text about. The <B> key inserts  aspecial symbol marking the line that the cursor  is  in  as  thefirst line of a block. There is a  delay  while  Tasword  checksthat there isn't already  a  block  beginning  marker  somewhereelse. The <V> key is similiar -  it  marks  the  line  that  thecursor is on as the last line of a block.
   1 N Study the above wording carefully and then see if you can  usethe cursor moving keys and the >= and <= keys to move the  abovemessage first to the right side of the screen and then  back  tothe left side. Then scroll on down.
   1 N EDIT - - - help page
   1 M The <> key centres text into the middle of the screen. You aregoing to learn to use <> by centering  the  "stop  pressing  to"message that you should now see near the bottom of the screen.
   1 M If you have come back from the end of the text  press  TO  andkeep pressing TO until you see a message telling you to stop.
   1 M If you have come back from the end of the text  press  TO  and
   1 K You can enter Extended Mode to replace or find text using  the<R> key. Tasword  replaces  or  finds from  the  current  cursorposition so you will often want to put the cursor in the correctplace (usually using AT for the beginning of  the  file)  beforeentering extended mode.
   1 I The text in this  Tasword  Two  Tutor  has  been  typed  rightjustified. You can turn right justification  off  by  using  theExtended Mode <E>  key.  Do  this  now  and  you  will  see  theR.Justify message at the  bottom  of  the  screen  change.  WhenR.Justify is off the text that you type will not be justified atthe completion of each line - your  text  will  have  a  "raggedright" appearance.
   1 G The STOP control key is mainly used  to  save  and  load  textfiles and to print text files onto full width printers.  Taswordprompts you through the options and operations  when  you  pressSTOP. The STOP key also allows you to define graphics symbols asprinter control characters  and  to  set  up  Tasword  for  yourprinter and interface.
   1 F All the  remaining  Extended  Mode  control  key  actions  areobtained by pressing a single key and we'll see now  what  thesekeys do.
   1 F (3) To insert a character into a word put the  cursor  over  the    character to the right of the  new  character  position  and    press AND.
   1 E You will have discovered that TO "scrolls"  the  display  downthrough the text file.
   1 E When you pressed ENTER the  second  time  just  now  you  weretelling  Tasword  that  you  just  wanted  to  find  the   firstoccurrence of your specified word. To replace  every  occurrenceof a given word you should type  your  replacement  text  beforepressing ENTER the second time. Try this now  by  replacing  allthe following occurrences of:
   1 E The AND key is used to insert text in three different ways:
   1 D Use the cursor moving arrows (caps shift 5,6,7, and 8) to movethe cursor onto the line containing the message. Then  press  <>twice watching what happens each time you press it. Scroll  pastthe message after you have centered it.
   1 CAPS LOCK  capitals lock
   1 CAPS + SYMBOL SHIFT - enter or leave extended mode
   1 C In extended mode the <J>  key  justifies  the  line  that  thecursor is on. To see what this means use DELETE  to  remove  thequestion marks in the line below, then enter Extended  Mode  andpress <J>
   1 C If you have just got here using the OR control  key  then  youwant to know  the  control  key  that  takes  you  back  to  thebeginning of the text file.
   1 C (1) To insert a blank line put the cursor at  the  beginning  of    the line which is to be the line after the  new  line.  Then    press AND;
   1 B The  Extended  Mode  <H>  key  has  the  opposite  effect:  itunjustifies the line that the cursor is on. See what happens  byunjustifying the line above that you have just justified.
   1 A Tasword the word processor
   1 @ SYMBOL SHIFT and key to type these characters:   [ ] 
   1 ;a;" bytes,",a/
   1 ;"with (just ENTER for find only)":
   1 ;"type word to be replaced / found"
   1 ;"type the name of the text file";
   1 ;"text file ";a$;" saved:";
   1 ;"print text file
   1 ;"press  y  for yes";
   1 ;"n  for no"
   1 ;"just press ENTER to load the";
   1 ;"just a word - no spaces allowed":
   1 ;"first text file on the tape"
   1 ;"do you want to verify ";a$;" ?":
   1 ;"code4=";
   1 ;"and press ENTER"
   1 ;"and play the tape to verify";
   1 ;"Stop the tape":
   1 ;"Start at line? (1)":
   1 ;"Reset interface/printer codes?":
   1 ;"Remove ear plug from cassette.":
   1 ;"Reconnect ear plug, and rewind";
   1 ;"Press the q key to quit printing"
   1 ;"Name of text file for saving?":
   1 ;"Line spacing? (1)":
   1 ;"Finish at line? (last)":
   1 ;"Do NOT stop the tape";
   1 ;" to change the choice  "
   1 ;" press the ";
   1 ;" key to proceed";
   1 ;"  press ";
   1 5 The graphics symbols can be used to send messages to printers.They are set up initially as shown on the normal mode help  pagefor the Epson FX-80 printer but you can define them yourself  asdescribed in the manual.
   1 4 Use the normal mode NOT control key to remove these messages.  
   1 0'b$02QB0S
   1 0 It's easy to change the text you have already typed  from  oneto the other. See if you can change  this  paragraph  to  raggedright by making sure that R.Justify is off,  moving  the  cursorinto the first line, and then using the normal mode STEP controlkey to reform the paragraph. Then can you change  the  paragraphback to right justified again? Use <E> again to  turn  R.Justifyback on.
   1 .  To  type  one  of  thesecharacters put Tasword into Extended  Mode,  hold  Symbol  Shiftdown and press the relevant key.
   1 - L - large printing on marker
   1 , J - justify line
   1 + Try using the find facility now to find the word
   1 ( the paragraph.
   1 ( The Extended Mode <L> key inserts a message line into the textwhich states that subsequent lines will be at double  height  onthe ZX Printer. The <K> key has the opposite action and  insertsa message stating that  subsequent  lines  will  be  printed  atnormal height.
   1 ' X - clear text file
   1 ' The control key that takes you back to the  beginning  of  thetext file is AT (symbol shift I). Use it now.
   1 %%@$R`$0E"
   1 $`RPS t &5#
   1 # S - reset margins to normal
   1 "save text file
   1 "save tasword
   1 "return to text file
   1 "merge text file
   1 "load text file
   1 "into Basic
   1 "define graphics/printer
   1 "Type graphics character code 128-143 (
   1 "Printer control graphics chars:"
   1 "  just press ENTER for default    values given in brackets"
   1 ! Extended Mode Control Keys
   1 ! A "fast scroll" means scrolling 22 lines at a time - an entirescreenful. It is useful for finding a part of your text  quicklyor for a quick review of your  text.  Try  it  now  by  enteringextended mode and using <G> to scroll back a few screenfuls  andthen use <F> to get back to here.
   1  ~ | \ { }
   1  to keep values given:"
   1  the line containing    the cursor to the end of
   1  paragraph, press  STEP  (symbol shift D)  and watch what
   1  onoff  C A P S  L O C K  6
   1  m/code O.K.
   1  line of this
   1  if finished)";a$:
   1  if finished)";a$
   1  double strike 
   1  and scroll back to here when Tasword has finished.
   1  a paragraph which
   1  Z X    P R I N T E R
   1  W - word-wrap on/off
   1  V - mark end of block of text  EDIT - help page
   1  Try turning Insert Mode on and type a couple of lines  in  thespace above this paragraph. When you  have  finished  make  surethat Insert Mode is off and use NOT to delete the lines you havetyped - we're going to need the space!
   1  Try setting margins now and experiment a  bit.  Then  use  theExtended Mode <S> control key which clears the margins.
   1  To turn capitals lock off press CAPS LOCK again. Do  this  nowand you will see the caps lock message disappear.
   1  To print your text onto a ZX Printer enter Extended  Mode  andpress the <P> key. A message will show  at  the  bottom  of  thescreen during printing to remind you that you can hold the Q keydown to quit the printing.
   1  Three Extended Mode keys control the ZX Printer.  Do  not  usethem if you don't have a ZX Printer attached.
   1  Tasword has an "Extended Mode" which is  entered  by  pressingCAPS SHIFT and SYMBOL SHIFT at the same time. The bottom line ofthe screen flashes to remind you that you are in Extended  Mode.To get back into normal mode press both the shift keys  togetheragain.
   1  Tasword Two ";
   1  Tasman Software 1983 
   1  TRUE VIDEO cursor to word left
   1  THEN - - - scroll up
   1  STOP - - - load/save/print text
   1  STEP reforms from
   1  STEP - - - reform to end of para
   1  Remember that capital letters can also be typed by holding thecaps shift key down and pressing the letter key.
   1  R - replace or find text
   1  Position the cursor in the    first
   1  P - print text file
   1  On  EpsonFX80  Off
   1  OR - - - - go to end of text
   1  N - copy marked block to cursorARROWS - cursor movement
   1  M - move marked block to cursor
   1  K - large printing off marker    A - set left margin at cursor
   1  INV. VIDEO cursor to word right
   1  H - unjustify line
   1  GRAPHICS - printer control chars 
   1  G - fast scroll up
   1  F - fast scroll down
   1  E - right justify on/off
   1  D - set right margin at cursor C - change window on text
   1  C O P Y R I G H T   1 9 8 3    T A S M A N   S O F T W A R E  ENTER returns to text. Both shift keys for the other help page.
   1  B - mark beginning of block    I - insert mode on/off
   1  >= - - - - move line right
   1  <= - - - - move line left
   1  (capital T) with:
   1  (C) Tasman Software 1983
   1  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_#abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~@
   1   proportional 
   1   has been changed a lot
   1   emphasised   
   1   Use AT to go to the beginning of the text file, enter ExtendedMode, press <R> and press ENTER twice. Don't worry about a shortdelay while Tasword looks for the word. Do it now. Good luck!
   1   Key 8ENTER  - - start of next line
   1   Key 7TO - - - - scroll down
   1   Key 6NOT  - - - delete line
   1   Key 5AT - - - - go to start of text
   1   Key 4AND  - - - insert line/character
   1   Key 3<> - - - - centre line
   1   Key 2DELETE - - delete character
   1   Key 1ARROWS - - cursor movement
   1   G R A P H I C S  !
   1    underline   
   1    italics
   1    enlarged    
   1    condensed